Call 440-252-7111 | Earn $1000 for referrals. | 2231 E. Enterprise Pkwy, Twinsburg, OH, 44087

Facts in Numbers

Inexhaustible and free source of energy

Solar power generation is a sound investment that delivers savings through reduced electricity purchases from the grid and reduced network maintenance costs.

Facts in Numbers

30% federal Tax credit towards your purchase of solar

Install a PV system between 2022 and 2032 to receive a 30% tax credit. That will decrease to 26% for systems installed in 2033 and to 22% for systems installed in 2034. If you’ve already installed a system in 2022, your tax credit has increased from 22% to 30% if you haven’t already claimed it.

Request solar presentation appointment

Average monthly
Ex: shingles
Are you the only owner?
Over 40K annually?
Ex: 5 years ago
Ex: no shade, some, a lot.
Own land home built on?
In last 7 years.
Selected Value: 0
0 = Not Interested | 10 = Very Interested
The next step is to have our solar expert come out to your home and discuss the program in more detail and see what additional incentives your home may qualify for. What time and days works best for them to come out? (SCHEDULE TIME WHAT WORKS FOR ALL DECISION MAKERS)
Enter code to earn discounts and benefits.
safe environment

Solar energy is an inexhaustible and free source

Net metering in Ohio 
What is net metering?
Net metering is a billing arrangement where customers who produce their own electricity can receive a credit on their electric utility bills for any extra electricity produced by the customer that flows back onto the electric utility’s distribution system.
Generating your own electricity may reduce your electric bill in two ways:
  • The electricity you produce displaces electricity you would otherwise have purchased from the electric utility (or from a competitive supplier); and
  • Your electricity bill is lowered by the amount of electricity your generating system feeds back onto the electric utility’s distribution system.
How does net metering work?
If you want a net metering billing arrangement, your generating equipment must be interconnected to the local electric utility’s distribution system. You must also use an advanced meter capable of registering the flow of electricity in each direction. Whenever your generating equipment produces more electricity than you need, the extra electricity flows backward through the advanced meter on your property making it turn in reverse. This reverse metering is “netted” against your total energy usage for the month in the form of a bill credit, thus lowering your electric bill.
What happens to that credit?
Net metering credits can be used to offset charges in future months and will continuously carry forward on future bills. Credits are associated with your current premise and may be lost if you relocate or stop taking service from the electric utility.

2 things are promised tomorrow, the Sun will rise, and so will electric bills. Start turning your liability into a asset.

  • Calculate the potential of solar energy
  • We design and build a solar power system
Our Services

Inexhaustible and free source of energy

Huge Savings

30% federal Tax credit towards your purchase of solar.

Those who install a PV system between 2022 and 2032 will receive a 30% tax credit. That will decrease to 26% for systems installed in 2033 and to 22% for systems installed in 2034. If you’ve already installed a system in 2022, your tax credit has increased from 22% to 30% if you haven’t already claimed it. Sep 8, 2022

  • Our sales engineers have experience & can design any system.
  • We must go above our customer expectations during interaction.
  • Our industrial solar systems are designed to reliably power.


Tax Credit










Optimized Technology

A monocrystalline solar panel is a solar panel comprising monocrystalline solar cells.

These cells are made from a cylindrical silicon ingot grown from a single crystal of silicon of high purity in the same way as a semiconductor. The cylindrical ingot is sliced into wafers forming cells.

Solar Panels
Hybrid energy
Solar energy


















  • Consumers Ohio consumers can’t afford increased electricity rates to pay for nuclear and coal plants that aren’t needed. House bill 6 allows electric companies to raise their rates by 12% until 2027
  • Monocrystalline A monocrystalline solar panel is a solar panel comprising monocrystalline solar cells. These cells are made from a cylindrical silicon ingot grown from a single crystal of silicon of high purity in the same way as a semiconductor. The cylindrical ingot is sliced into wafers forming cells.
  • Tier 1 Solar Panels Are made using the highest quality of silicon. The solar panel will perform more effectively if the silicon quality is higher. Furthermore, Tier 1 manufacturers use advanced robotic methods to regulate the production process, reducing or eliminating human mistakes.
  • 4 Season All-weather solar cells are defined as advanced photoelectric conversion devices that can persistently generate electricity by obeying photoelectric principles on sunny days and through other theories in rainy, snowy, foggy, haze, and windy weather, as well as nighttime conditions.Mar 1, 2017
  • Materials “Monocrystalline panels” are thin-film panels that contain monocrystalline solar cells. Since these thin-film panels have only a single layer, they provide a larger surface area for electrons to flow, making them highly efficient panels that generate more power.
  • Educate Responsive professional reps arrive on time, and ready to explain how solar works, what the benefits are, and how to go solar today. Please allow us 1% of your trust, and after our Presentation we will have gained the remaining 99%.
Low costs

Improving the energy efficiency of a structure

With the production of solar electricity, you are less dependent on the power grid and its pricing policy. There are no moving mechanisms and components in the solar power plant that require constant maintenance and checks. Solar panels improve the energy label of a building and, in the case of new builds, are the most cost-effective way to achieve energy efficiency goals.

Special Offer

Use the power of solar energy and save your install by 30%